[사회]The Online College Community Controversy Over ‘Hate Writing’ … Is There A Countermeasure?



A massive online community application used by more than 4 million college students has been controversial.

There are an increasing number of nonsensical posts containing content that hates sexual minorities, the elderly, and victims of crime.

The Korea Communications Standards Commission only recommended self-regulation, but voices say specific sanctions are needed.

Reporter Hong Min-ki reports.


‘Everytime’, an online application dedicated to college students, from school-to-school class information exchange to club recruitment and second-hand transactions.

It is widely used by more than 400 universities and 4.5 million college students in Korea, and the controversy over hateful posts is growing.

After the spread of Corona 19, articles were published demeaning Chinese international students, while saying that LGBTQ people and the elderly should die, saying they are responsible for spreading the virus again.

There is also a prominent message in the “n-room” telegram, a “second offense” that reduces the victims.

[김현서 / 서울 남가좌동 : 성 소수자를 차별하는 내용이라든지, 그런 내용 때문에 다투는 걸 자주 보긴 했어요. 건전한 토론이 될 수 있을 거라고 생각은 안 해요.]

Analyzing community posts from 25 universities in Korea from the beginning of this year to last month, nearly 600 hate speech was found.

Among these, there was a tendency to hate minorities not only because of their gender, but also because of their sexual orientation or even their race.

Most of these posts remain intact, and the operating rules prohibit profanity or slander about others.

This is because the application operator does not find or delete the problem item, but restricts access to the ID when more than 10 users report it.

On the contrary, users who criticized hate texts were occasionally sanctioned.

[대학생 : (혐오성 게시물을)지적하는 댓글을 달았더니 몇 시간 후에 계정이 정지됐더라고요. 의견이 다르다는 이유로 신고가 누적되는…]

The minor women’s group has petitioned the Korea Communications Standards Commission to remove more than 500 hate speech found on Everytime.

[노서영 / 여성단체 ‘유니브페미’ 대표 : 올해 같은 경우는 코로나 확산세와 같이 다른 소수자 혐오도 다양하게 일어났던 편인 것 같아요. 많은 문제 제기가 있었음에도 불구하고 시정하지 않고 있고….]

In response to this, the National Guard has issued recommendations to operators to strengthen self-regulation.

It was asked to come up with specific measures, but it is not a required matter, but how much it will change is unknown.

It is noted that there is an urgent need for a debate to clarify the hate standards alongside legislation to regulate hate speech.

[홍성수 / 숙명여자대학교 법학부 교수 : 인터넷 커뮤니티에서 혐오 게시물을 규제하는 건 현실적으로 굉장히 어려운 일이고요. 혐오나 차별에 해당하는 것이 무엇인지에 대한 논의가 선행돼야 하거든요. 대학에 있는 모든 구성원이 책임지고 이런 문제를 어떻게 해결해 나갈 것이냐…]

There is also a growing voice that the midnight efforts should be the basis for the self-declaration of college students that they will not hate or discriminate on their own, nor establish regulations within the school.

YTN Hong Min-ki[[email protected]]is.

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