[사회]Rebellion against the assembly ban notice …



The police announced the ban on conservative groups that had predicted a large-scale demonstration in the city center, but the groups protested that it was a violation of freedom and plan to force the demonstration.

Even on weekends, when distances are reduced in the first phase, the city center is expected to fill with groups and police clashes.

Reporter Eom Yun-ju reports.


The Aug. 15 Emergency Response Committee, a conservative group that reported on an open-air worship service and assembly of a thousand people near Gwanghwamun Square next Sunday as soon as the movement away dropped to stage 1 .

When the police were notified of the ban, they strongly opposed the violation of the constitutional freedom of assembly.

[최인식 / 8·15 시민비상대책위원회 사무총장 : 훨씬 안전한 야외 집회와 예배를 100명 이하로 제한하는 것은 코로나19 독재를 통한 정권 안보, 정치방역 외에 어떤 합리적인 사유도 없습니다.]

This week’s rally was withdrawn due to lawsuit costs by overlooking the court’s request for stay.

Instead, I submitted a request to suspend the execution of the assembly ban, saying that the assembly would be held on the 25th, which was delayed by a week.

Another conservative group, Solidaridad Libre, which was notified of the ban on the weekend of a gathering of 300 people, also filed a request for a stay of execution in the Administrative Court, but it was rejected.

Even if a large scale cannot be made, it is a plan to hold a meeting of 90 separately informed people.

[자유연대 관계자 : 행정법원에 이의 신청하면서 90명은 따로 저희가 집회 신고를 추후로 해놓은 게 있습니다.]

‘National Action for a New Korea’, which held a vehicle demonstration on the first day of the first day, again mobilized 99 vehicles for a march.

Police previously said they would ban 147 of the 1,000,159 reported demonstrations in central Seoul this weekend.

He also emphasized that if a prohibited assembly is enforced, the dissolution process will proceed immediately and that the illegal protests will be strict.

The first weekend where the distance guidelines relaxed to one step.

I am concerned that the confrontation between conservative groups trying to impose the rally and the police trying to stop it will lead to clashes in central Seoul.

YTN Eom Yunju[[email protected]]is.

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