[사회]Protect the vaccine … a vaccine transport operation that resembles a military operation



The government conducted a simulation training assuming tens of thousands of COVID-19 vaccines are entering Korea.

Military and public-private police were mobilized for training, and all possible emergency measures were taken as a military operation.

Reporter Shin Hyun-jun.


At 10 am, 50,000 virtual vaccines from Pfizer arrive at Incheon International Airport.

Vaccines contained in special containers are loaded onto mobile equipment at the airport and transported to the vaccine warehouse for customs clearance.

For Pfizer vaccines that must be kept between -60 degrees and 90 degrees Celsius, the cold chain or “refrigerated distribution” is essential.

For this, a special container was created that can be refrigerated and distributed separately from the frozen package of the vaccine itself.

After customs clearance, the vaccine is shipped to the Pyeongtaek distribution center around noon.

The front and rear of the vaccine transport vehicle and the spare refrigerated vehicle are escorted by police sidecars, patrol cars and military police vehicles, and double or triple security is provided to prepare for unexpected situations.

[서욱 / 국방부 장관 : 교통사고가 발생한다든가 하는 7개 상황과 창고 저장 및 경계 간의 테러 또 화재·정전 등  8개 상황 등 총 15개의 우발상황을 상정하여 대비태세를 갖추고 있습니다.]

Vaccines arriving at the distribution center are divided by region and transferred to the vaccination center.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention monitors the storage status or unusual circumstances of the vaccine during all transfers.

[정은경 / 질병관리청장 : 접종기관에 준비된 초저온냉동고에도 지속적으로 온도를 기록하고 원격으로 알람을 해 줄 수 있는 기능을 갖추고 있기 때문에 안전하게 백신을 보관할 수 있습니다.]

President Moon Jae-in asked for cooperation, calling for thorough preparation, assuming unexpected and unexpected situations.

[문재인 / 대통령 : 다시 한 번 질병청을 중심으로 우리가 방역에서 유능했듯이 접종에서도 유능한 그런 면모를 보여 주시기 바랍니다.]

The government plans to install 250 vaccination centers across the country by July, equipped with cryogenic refrigerators that can store vaccines.

YTN Shin Hyun-jun[shinhj@ytn.co.kr]it is.

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