[사회]No Charges → Detention → 17 Years In Prison Confirmed … ‘Property Dozen’ Ends After 13 Years



Former President Lee Myung-bak was acquitted once after being elected, but after a new, large-scale investigation in 2017, he was finally sentenced to a half sentence.

From the moment of the election of the presidential candidate, when the controversy began in earnest, the controversy came to an end in 13 years.

This is reporter Lee Jong-won.


It was during the 2007 Grand National Party presidential elections that the controversy over middle name ownership began in earnest, saying that former President Lee Myung-bak was the beneficial owner of Das and BBK.

After being elected president on suspicion alone, he was followed by an investigation by a special counsel, but he was not charged.

After that, however, the regime changed and the prosecution’s investigation began in earnest again in October 2017 due to the victims’ charges of manipulating the BBK share price.

With the start of a dedicated investigation team, as the investigation progressed rapidly and the forced investigation into the surrounding area began in earnest, former President Lee volunteered to hold a press conference and protested in political retaliation.

[이명박 / 前 대통령 (지난 2018년) : 보수를 궤멸시키고 또한 이를 위한 정치공작이자 노무현 대통령의 죽음에 대한 정치보복이라고 보고 있습니다.]

However, after the immediate subpoena investigation, they were unable to avoid arrest, and 16 charges were applied and delivered to trial, including the creation of bribery funds.

[한동훈 / 당시 서울중앙지검 3차장: 이 전 대통령이 주식회사 다스의 실소유주라는 사실을 확인했습니다. 다양한 방법으로 다스의 회삿돈 349억 원을 횡령하고….]

In the first and second trials he was sentenced to 15 years in prison and 17 years in prison, but was repeatedly imprisoned and released.

First, during the appeal trial, the bail for health reasons was accepted and he was released once in March of last year after 349 days of arrest; at the second trial, he was arrested in court for posting bail at the time of the second trial. It’s stopped.

The prosecution vigorously protested against the stay of execution of the arrest, saying it was a hoax on the part of the former president, and responded with an appeal.

When the Supreme Court convicted the former president, the Supreme Court also presented the first precedent in this regard.

[이종길 / 대법원 공보연구관 : 고등법원이 한 보석취소 결정에 대해선 집행정지의 효력을 인정할 수 없다는 법리를 최초로 제시했다는 점에서 의의가 있습니다.]

Former President Lee Myung-bak’s strategy, which was repeatedly reversed through arrests and releases during the trial, also lost meaning now that the Supreme Court upheld the median sentence.

This is YTN Jongwon Lee.

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