Press conference to clarify “suspicion of the usefulness of financing”
“Sorry, I can’t take care of my grandmother’s heart
Errors in donation expense records … “Conventional recognition”
“It is true that I knew in advance the content of the comfort agreement for women.”
The Justice Memory Coalition has been actively exploring the suspicion of the usefulness of the donation raised by Grandmother Lee Yong-su, a victim of Japanese comfort women.
I apologized to my grandmother who was sad, but replied that the donation was transparent.
Reporter Jung Hyun-woo reports.
[기자]The four-year-old press conference suspected the usefulness of the donation, first apologizing for not taking good care of Yongsu Lee’s heart.
When former President Yoon Mi-hyang, who had been in close demand for nearly 30 years, left, he felt he was susceptible to suspicion that the women’s comfort problem would be solved.
[이나영 / 정의기억연대 이사장 : (위안부) 문제가 여전히 해결되고 있지 않다는 분노 등에 대해 저희는 겸허히 받아들이고, 할머니께 원치 않는 마음의 상처 드려 진심으로 사과드린다는 말씀 먼저 하고 (기자회견) 시작하겠습니다.]However, the usefulness of the donation collected by this grandmother was suspected.
More than 40% of the donations received during the three years from 2017 were spent on grandmothers, and he also claimed to have used donations for various projects to publicize the theme of comfort women.
[한경희 / 정의기억연대 사무총장 : 이 기금이 모아가는 과정도 그렇습니다. 그리고 그 사용도 목적에 맞게 사용되고 있습니다.]However, he admitted that it was a practice to reduce the heavy accounting work by repeatedly writing the number of beneficiaries to 99 and 999 beneficiaries.
In particular, regarding the 2015 South Korea-Japan agreement, the grandmother insisted that former President Yoon Mi-hyang not inform the victims’ grandmothers despite knowing the content in advance.
[이용수 / 위안부 피해자 할머니(지난 7일) : 10억 엔이 일본에서 들어오는데 그 대표만 알고, 제가 알았으면 그걸 돌려보냈죠.]Jeong Yeon-yeon dismissed this as factless.
[이상희 / 민변 소속 변호사·정의연 이사 : 12월 24일부터 일본 언론에서 위안부 문제가 곧 타결될 것이라는 취지의 보도가 나서 저희가 그 당시 공유했던 것은 일본 언론에서 나왔던 내용 그 이상도 그 이하도 아니었고요.]Regardless of the suspicion raised, Jeong Yeon-yeon is in a position to conduct an online lawsuit collection this week as usual.
However, the controversy is likely not to fade, as there is a point where the amount of donations will be disclosed transparently to each user, and there are many arguments around the point of finding the content of the women’s comfort agreement .
This is YTN Jung Hyun-woo.
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