[사회]400 new confirmed cases decline again … 14 mutant virus infections added



The number of new confirmed Corona 19 cases in one day has dropped below 400 again in one day, but sporadic local infections continue.

In particular, 14 more infected with the mutant virus have joined the quarantine authorities.

Reporter Lee Kwang-yeop.


New Corona 19 patients continue to expand in the metropolitan area.

With 268 confirmed cases in Seoul, Gyeonggi and Incheon, the number of new confirmed cases reached 396.

The average number of confirmed cases per day for the last week is 421, and the metropolitan area is still at the 2.5 level of social distancing.

We were concerned about the spread of the infection due to the Lunar New Year holidays, but it is positive that there has not been a rapid increase.

Since the 22nd, an additional 14 cases have been infected with the mutant virus, which has stronger infectivity than the existing virus.

Of these, 12 are from abroad, but 2 are cases of national infection, so the quarantine authorities are monitoring more.

[이상원 / 중앙방역대책본부 역학조사분석단장 : 국내 감염은 2명이었습니다. 모두 외국인이고 1명은 경기 시흥시 일가족 관련 확진자였고 나머지 1명은 경남·전남 외국인 친척 모임 관련이었습니다.]

It is imminent for the government to adjust or not the step of social distancing that is currently taking place.

The current distancing measure, which is the second phase of the metropolitan area and phase 1.5 of the non-metropolitan area, is scheduled to end on the 28th.

As the trend of Corona 19’s spread is unstable, the proposed reorganization of the fundamental social distancing system has been delayed into the next week.

The government continues discussions by simplifying the current distance, divided into five steps, and emphasizing responsibility rather than restricting operations.

This is YTN Lee Kwang-yeop.

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