[사회][팩트와이] Low association between flu vaccine and death?



With the growing reports of deaths after being vaccinated against the flu, resistance to vaccination is increasing.

The Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) are in the position that there is currently little evidence to consider vaccines as the cause of death.

He verified the controversy surrounding the flu vaccine.

This is reporter Lee Jung-mi.

[기자] [정은경 / 질병관리청장(지난 22일 국정감사) : 아직 예방 접종에 대한 사망이라고 설명되지 않았고 관련성은 굉장히 낮다는 게 피해조사반의 검토 의견이었습니다.]

1. Isn’t it the flu shot?

The typical side effects of influenza vaccines are Guillain Barre syndrome and Miller Fisher, who are paralyzed due to severe allergic anaphylaxis and nervous system disorders.

However, no case of death this year with similar symptoms has yet been confirmed.

Rather, in some cases, the cause of death was revealed for other reasons, such as suffocation.

[이동훈 / 내과 전문의 : (기도 질식도 혹시 백신 영향?) 그렇게 따지면 끝이 없어요. 사실은 날씨가 추워져서 돌아가시는 분들 있잖아요. 그럼 날씨가 사인이 될 수는 없는 것처럼….]

In particular, more than 10 million people have been vaccinated against the flu this year, but it is difficult to see it as a problem with the vaccine itself, since more than 99% have no problems.

2. Is the flu vaccine safe?

Of course, you cannot say that the flu vaccine is completely safe.

A 2013 American document found that when 100,000 people were vaccinated against the flu, about 442 people died.

The possibility of indirectly exacerbating the underlying condition or having an unknown side effect cannot be ruled out.

[신상엽 / 감염내과 전문의(지난 21일 YTN 뉴스Q) : (백신에 따른) 이런 우리 몸의 염증반응이, 갖고 있던 기저 질환이나 이런 것들을 좀 악화시키거나 기존에 있던 급사 요인들을 악화시켰을 가능성은 있습니다.]

This is the background for the claim to postpone flu vaccination.

[최재욱 / 대한의사협회 과학검증위원장 : 집단 면역 형성하는 것이 조금 늦어질 수 있지만 지금은 모든 국민인 사회적 거리 두기와 마스크 착용 잘 하고 있기 때문에 독감이 예전처럼 유행하지 않습니다.]

However, the medical association does not deny the efficacy of the flu vaccine, which has been around for almost a hundred years.

3. Is it better to get vaccinated?

The number of people dying from the flu in Korea alone is 700-2000, far more than the number of victims from the vaccine.

It is also the reason that the KCDC cannot forgo the vaccine in the absence of a clear causal relationship.

YTN Jeongmi Lee[[email protected]]is.

Inside reporter Lee Soo-hyun[[email protected]]

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]