The government has confirmed that the second emergency disaster grant will be provided as a ‘personalized’ support to the class affected by Corona 19. Yesterday, the governing body of the high-ranking party decided to prepare a fourth supplementary budget for the 7 billion euros. won for the disaster relief payment and present it to the National Assembly. It has been 59 years since 1961 to organize additional supplemental accounts four times a year, and the party government plans to cover the full amount by issuing government bonds.
Disaster grants are expected to take priority for the self-employed, small business owners, special types of workers, job seekers and low-income families in 12 industries, such as karaoke and computer rooms, where a ban order was issued Collective for the prevention of corona. In addition, he decided to expand the standards for flood damage, relax the standards for low-interest loans for small business owners, and prepare measures for the welfare of the people of Chuseok, such as paying off unpaid wages.
The second disaster support fund was hastily decided politically without sufficient review by the government and experts. Additionally, in the Democratic Party presidential election, the candidates came forward with a policy of support for the second disaster grant, and the opposition party responded to it, leading the political world. The government has already implemented several policies, such as financial loans, subsidies to maintain employment and support to small businesses to alleviate the damage caused by Corona 19. Before applying the second disaster subsidy, measures to control the disasters had to be preceded. existing policies and increase their effectiveness.
Regarding the method of payment of the subsidy, the government and the ruling party spent five months in vain. In deciding the first disaster support fund before the April general election, there was great confusion as to whether it paid to the whole town or paid selectively. Until five months have passed since then, it has not prepared an efficient screening method for additional support, and it is only regrettable because the controversy is repeated even within the ruling party again.
Whether by projection or customization, as long as the direction has been decided, every effort should be made to execute it as fairly and quickly as possible. The controversy over how to apply for the toughest people who worked there if a karaoke PC room owner had already been awarded a grant is heating up the internet. To avoid complaining about injustice, you need to carefully identify and focus on difficult people, and execute them as quickly as possible before Chuseok. Honestly acknowledging and supplementing any deficiencies is the way to reduce further side effects.
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