[국제]”What is the Japanese government trying to protect?” … Press conference buried



Radiation at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan still exceeds the standard by hundreds of thousands of times.

Japanese civic groups urged the government to dump the polluted water from this water into the sea, asking who the heck is this policy for.

Correspondent Lee Kyung-ah reports from Tokyo.


The investigation team rushed out of the scene as the radiation dosimeter alarm continues.

This video was taken inside the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant on the 9th.

The polluted water that the Japanese government is pushing to discharge into the ocean is a mixture of water that is put in to cool the melted nuclear fuel in the nuclear power plant, rainwater and groundwater.

Japanese civic groups strongly objected, saying that contaminated water that could have been in direct contact with nuclear fuel cannot be thrown into the sea.

[후카쿠사 아유미 / 일본 시민단체 ‘FoE 재팬’ : (탱크에 보관중인) 처리 오염수 70%에서는 방사성물질이 기준치 이상 포함돼 있습니다. 도쿄전력은 2번 정화처리 해 내보낸다고 처리 후에도 남아있는 방사성물질 총량은 여전히 공개되지 않았습니다.]

Residents of Fukushima prefecture at the press conference complained that there was only disbelief in the Japanese government’s response to the nuclear accident.

[치바 유미 / 후쿠시마현 주민 : 정부는 방사성물질 토양 오염이 기준치 이상으로 나타난 공원 등에 대해서도 건강에 이상이 없다며 아무런 조치도 취해주지 않았습니다.]

The Japanese government emphasizes that it has heard the views of stakeholders seven times and has also received public views.

However, civic groups criticized the government for only collecting formal opinions and ignoring 420,000 signatures across the country that opposed the ocean dumping.

[헤비이시 이쿠코 / 후쿠시마현 코오리야마 시의원 : 일본 정부는 도대체 무엇을 지키려 하는 건지 알 수가 없습니다. 경제적 영향만 생각해 가장 처리 비용이 싸게 드는 해양 방류를 결정하려는 것은 큰 잘못입니다.]

The governor of Miyagi Prefecture, a region affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, has also publicly criticized public criticism that it cannot be seen that there have been national discussions on ocean discharges and that public opinion against the government Japanese is growing.

I’m Kyungah Lee from YTN in Tokyo.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]