[국제]The worst yellow dust in 10 years after hitting China, moving to the Korean peninsula with the wind


Beijing’s First Yellow Dust Warning This Year … ‘Yellow’ Update Without Notice
Mongolia, the origin of the yellow sand … 6 nomads died, 80 disappeared
China Meteorological Office “This yellow powder, the most powerful in 10 years”


Yesterday, the worst yellow dust in 10 years occurred in the metropolitan area of ​​China.

In Mongolia, the source of the yellow dust, deaths and disappearances have also emerged from sandstorms.

Correspondent Kang Seong-woong reports from Beijing.


This is Chang’an Street in the heart of Beijing, China.

The buildings along the boulevard are covered in yellow sand, so they can only be seen between two and three hundred meters.

Even high-rise buildings barely show their outlines.

Most vehicles heading to work have their headlights on.

The citizens of the street hurry to tread with their heads down.

[베이징 시민 : 황사가 너무 심해서 길을 걸을 때 공포를 느낄 정도입니다.] [베이징 시민 : 아시다시피 황사가 심해서 오전에는 밖에 나오지 않고 그냥 사무실에만 있었습니다.]

For the first time this year, the Beijing Meteorological Department issued a yellow dust warning.

On Sunday, we set a low blue alert level, which rose slightly as the yellow dust winds grew stronger.

Children and the elderly were asked to refrain from going out.

Although it is now noon, the center of Beijing is buried in this dense yellow sand.

The yellow powder suddenly appeared in a state of fine and heavy powder.

The Beijing Air Quality Index, which includes fine dust and ultra-fine dust, also posted the “worst” level.

This is because the winter heating in the surroundings has not finished yet and the utilization rate of the plant has recently increased.

The yellow powder originated from the Mongolian side and reached the north of China.

In Mongolia, more than 80 nomads were missing and this sandstorm caused several deaths.

China’s meteorological bureau says this is the most powerful yellow powder in 10 years.

[장비후이 / 중국 기상국 환경기상센터장 : 이 지역 기온이 5℃~8℃로 높았고, 몽골에 최근 눈이 적게 내려 이런 지면 조건이 황사 발생에 유리하게 작용했습니다.]

Some Neimung-gu provinces close to the source have imposed temporary closures of kindergartens and primary and secondary schools.

This yellow sand moves towards the Korean peninsula with the wind.

Chinese authorities predict that yellow dust will be produced six to nine times this year in the northern region.

YTN Sungwoong Kang in Beijing[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]