[국제]The United States House of Representatives resolves to strengthen the alliance between the Republic of Korea and the United States … “the core of the new government diplomacy”



The US House of Representatives adopted two bipartisan resolutions that further strengthen the ROK-US alliance, laying the groundwork to ease concerns about repression in the ROK-US alliance.

A member of the ruling party’s Task Force on the Korean Peninsula, who visited Washington, met with key officials and shared their views to ensure that the Joe Biden administration treats Korea as an equal partner and that the issue on the Peninsula Korea becomes the core of its foreign policy.

Let’s connect Washington and learn more. Correspondent Taewook Kang!

The lawmakers who spearheaded the House resolution to strengthen the ROK-US alliance held a press conference, right? What’s your resolution?


Two resolutions were passed unanimously.

In commemoration of the passage, the legislators who presented resolutions held a press conference this afternoon at this time.

First, Democratic Congressman Tom Suoji introduced a resolution to assess the importance of the ROK-US alliance and the contributions of Korean Americans.

The US House of Representatives assessed that the alliance is playing an important role in promoting peace and security in the Indo-Pacific region.

It also included a call for further strengthening of diplomatic, economic and security partnerships with Korea, as the ROK-US alliance occupies an important position in the interests of the United States in this region.

Congressman Suoji told a press conference that the resolution was passed at a critical moment.

The other is a resolution recognizing the transition from the ROK-US alliance towards a mutually beneficial global partnership.

It was jointly presented by Democratic member Amibera, who is the chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, and Republican member Ted Yoho.

Faced with repeated threats from North Korea, the ROK-US alliance. The US has highlighted the importance of playing an important role in peace and stability in Asia and the world.

He also emphasized that the relationship between the two countries contributed to regional and global prosperity through the common values ​​of democracy, free market economy, human rights, and the rule of law, and that maintaining US forces in Korea is in the interest of states. United.


Members of the Democratic Party’s Korean Peninsula Task Force visiting Washington just attended the press conference, right? How was your membership activity?


There are three members of the group: President Song Young-gil, the President of Foreign Affairs and Transportation, and three members of Congressman Han-jeong Kim and Gun-young Yoon.

Lawmakers arrived here on the 15th and met with members of the US Congress, former US ambassadors to Korea, and think tank officials one after another.

I also met with Secretary of State Stephen Vegan, Special Representative of the United States Administration in North Korea.

Mainly, the new Biden administration communicated that the issue of the Korean peninsula should be addressed as a key issue in foreign policy, as well as political priorities.

Most of the people contacted shared the same opinion and replied that they would convey Korea’s position so that Biden-elect would be interested in the problems of the Korean peninsula.

In particular, Congressman Ruben Gallego and Kai Kehele of the House of Representatives said Korea should lead the way on issues such as the declaration of the end of the Korean War, the North Korean nuclear problem and the transition of power in times of war.

Additionally, former Ambassadors Kathleen Stevens and Christopher Hill emphasized that a person who is deeply interested in the future of the alliance should assume the role of U.S. ambassador to Korea and expand the alliance.

YTN Kang Tae-wook in Washington[[email protected]]it is.

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