[국제]The first television debate of the US presidential candidate … head-on showdown on six issues



Before the November elections, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, and the Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden faced each other in their first television debate.

The two candidates were enraged over six issues, including the Supreme Court Justice nomination and Corona 19, in an uncompromising flag fight.

This is a report from the Washington correspondent, Taewook Kang.


The first television debate is expected to be viewed by more than 100 million people, while campaigns on the site are limited due to the Corona 19 incident.

It was introduced by Fox News host Chris Wallace, and six topics were addressed: personal identity, Supreme Court, Corona 19, economy, race and violence, and electoral integrity.

As expected, the uncompromising brawl between the two candidates continued from the first issue.

President Trump insisted that he had the right to name a successor to the Supreme Court when he won the 2016 presidential election.

[도널드 트럼프 / 공화당 대선후보 : 단지 선거에서 이겼고 따라서 그녀를 선택할 권리가 있습니다. 아주 극소수 사람들만이 고의로 다른 말을 하고 있습니다.]

In response, candidate Biden confronted his intention to eliminate Obama Care, saying that the presidential winner should nominate a successor.

[조 바이든 / 민주당 대선후보 : 저렴한 의료법을 없애려고 지금 대법원에 있는 것입니다. 의료법이 대법원 간다면 2천만 명에게서 건강보험을 빼앗는 것입니다.]

Regarding the response to Corona 19, the opinions of the two candidates were opposite.

Candidate Biden attacked President Trump’s initial response, causing serious damage of more than 200,000 deaths.

President Trump responded that he provided enough protective equipment to each region and responded successfully, such as rushing to develop a vaccine.

[조 바이든 / 민주당 대선후보 : 당신은 벙커에서 벗어나 모래 덫에서 벗어나 골프장이든 집무실이든 들어가 민주당, 공화당 의원들을 함께 모아 생명을 구하기 위해 당장 할 필요가 있는 것을 지원해야만 했습니다.] [도널드 트럼프 / 공화당 대선후보 : 이제 백신을 얻기까지 몇 주밖에 안 남았습니다. 치료제는 벌써 사용하고 있습니다. 병에 걸렸을 때 숨지는 사람이 줄어들고 있습니다. 훨씬 적은 수의 사람들이 숨지고 있습니다.]

Furthermore, President Trump argued that if the Democratic Party comes to power, the economy would be ruined by a massive lockdown.

Biden said the FBI also said that voting by mail was not a problem and that President Trump confessed it was a fraud.

The television debate of the US presidential candidate will take place twice more on the 15th and 22nd, after the discussion between the vice presidential candidates on the 7th of next month.

YTN Taewook Kang in Washington[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]