[국제]”Japanese government decision to treat contaminated water in Fukushima, time is short”


Japanese government February report … De facto decision on ocean discharge
70% of contaminated storage water, containing more than the standard for radioactive substances
The Japanese government, “The second purification will reduce the concentration of radioactive substances”


He says there is little time left before the Japanese government decides how to treat the contaminated water at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Despite fierce opposition, it appears that they are planning to officially establish a policy to dump them into the sea in the near future.

Correspondent Lee Kyung-ah reports from Tokyo.


A place to hear opinions from various fields on the treatment of polluted water in Fukushima.

Local governments present expressed serious concern about the ongoing sea discharge from the Japanese government.

[다키가와 신스케 / 치바현 부지사 : 오염수 해양 방류로 만약 평판이 나빠지면 수산업 뿐 아니라 우리 지역 관광업에도 악영향이 생깁니다.]

There was also bitter criticism that the government adequately reviewed other methods, such as storage on land.

[오오이가와 카즈히코 / 이바라키현 지사 : 그동안 아무것도 듣지 못한 우리 입장에서는 결론은 이미 나 있고, 그걸 위해 정리하려는 것처럼 보입니다.]

The explanation from the Japanese government is that by August 2022, the site for storing contaminated water in Fukushima will be full.

He stressed that, given the two-year preparation period, there is little time left before deciding on a policy for the treatment of contaminated water.

[마츠모토 요헤이 / 일본 경제산업성 부대신 : 보관 부지는 부족해지는데 매일 오염수가 나오는 상황 속에 언제까지나 방침을 결정하지 않고 미뤄둘 수는 없습니다.]

The controversy escalated after the Japanese government in February adopted a policy to discharge contaminated water from Fukushima through a report.

In addition to tritium, which cannot be removed with current technology, other radioactive substances have been found to be contained above the threshold.

[고이도 히데노리 / 후쿠시마현 여관 호텔 조합 이사장 (지난 4월) : 기준치 넘게 방사성 물질이 포함된 걸 적극적으로 공개하지 않은 것은 후쿠시마 현민 뿐 아니라 일본 국민의 기대를 배신한 것입니다.]

The Japanese government insists that it will lower the concentration through secondary scrubbing, but it is noted that verification is also necessary.

[스즈키 카즈에 / 일본 그린피스 활동가 : 2차 정화를 통해 방사성 물질의 농도를 낮출 수 있을 지에 대해서는 검증이 아직 이뤄지지 않았습니다. (정부 결정 전에) 여전히 검토해야 할 과제들이 너무 많습니다.]

The Japanese government, which has not taken action and has said it will seek understanding from neighboring countries such as Korea, foresees another friction over the treatment of contaminated water.

I’m Kyungah Lee from YTN in Tokyo.
