[국제]General strikes, street protests condemning coups, bloody repression and throughout Myanmar



Despite the military’s warning about bloodshed, general strike protests were held in Myanmar today (22).

On February 22, 2021, the day the two entered five times, today’s protests, the so-called ‘five and two’, took place on the largest scale since the outbreak of the coup on day 1.

Reporter Yeojin Lee reports.


The procession of protesters that takes to the streets since the morning is invisible.

In the largest city of Yangon, protesters filled the city with demonstrations and marches in the streets, and in southern Dawei, tens of thousands of people rallied from side to side.

Foreign media reported that hundreds of thousands of people participated in the general strike protests.

[자야르 / 미얀마 생수 공장 사장 : 미얀마 국민의 한 사람으로서 ‘22222’ 전국 시위에 참여하고 있습니다. 우리는 이번에 반드시 시위에 참여해야 합니다. 그래서 공장 문을 닫고 시위에 참여했습니다.]

This general strike protest was held on February 22, 2021 and is called the ‘Five Two’ protest.

The democratization demonstration ‘8888’ held on August 8, 1988 is a model.

All occupations, including factory workers, civil servants and medical personnel, went on strike and City Mart, the largest local distributor, also joined the shutdown.

[이병수 / 미얀마 한인회장 : 2월 1일 비상사태 선포 이후 전국적으로 가장 많은 인원이 시위에 참여하고 있는 것으로 파악하고 있고요, 제가 오늘 아침에 저희 집 근처 시장을 돌아봤는데요. 단 한 곳도 문을 연 곳 없이 모두 폐점한 상태입니다.]

Tensions are also rising between the protesters and the army and police.

This is because the military government issued warnings suggesting a bloody crackdown before the announcement of the general strike by the protesters.

[미얀마 군부 성명 / MRTV 앵커 (지난 21일) : 시위대는 지금 국민을, 특히 감정에 휩쓸리기 쉬운 십 대와 젊은이들을 ‘인명 피해’가 우려되는 대립의 길로 선동하고 있습니다.]

Dozens of people were reportedly taken to the site of the protests by the police.

Although the statement of criticism and sanctions from the international community are beginning, the Myanmar military is confronting it, claiming that it is interfering with internal affairs.

This is YTN Lee Yeo-jin.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]