[국제]”Climate change is a controversial problem”


US Supreme Court Approval Hearing … Second Consultation Day
Barrett “Open Mind on Obamacare”
Immediate response to questions like ‘self forgiveness’ and ‘vote by mail’


US Supreme Court Justice Amy Connie Barrett said at a Senate confirmation hearing that climate change is a controversial issue and she will not reveal her views.

A two-day approval hearing questionnaire with Barrett’s candidate on sensitive topics like abortion and health insurance has been finalized, and a vote for approval is expected later this month.

Reporter Lee Dong-hun.


The Democratic Party, which had opposed the approval of the Federal Supreme Court before the presidential election, focused on highlighting Barrett’s conservative bias.

The day before, after persistently questioning the position on abortion rights, she asked for a position on climate change.

[카멀라 해리스 / 민주당 부통령 후보 : 기후변화가 일어나고 있고 우리가 숨 쉬고 마시는 공기와 물을 위협한다고 믿습니까?] [에이미 코니 배럿 / 미 연방대법관 지명자 : (기후변화는) 매우 논란이 큰 문제입니다. 공공 정책 특히 정치적 논란이 있는 문제에 대해선 제 의견을 내지 않겠습니다.] [카멀라 해리스 / 민주당 부통령 후보 : (환경변화를) 논란이 있는 문제라고 믿는 당신의 입장을 분명히 한 것입니다.]

Candidate Barrett said he was “open-minded” about ObamaCare, which is scheduled for a Supreme Court hearing immediately after the election.

When asked if President Trump could forgive himself, he avoided an immediate response, saying that no one was above the law, but that it was never treated as a lawsuit and that it was not a matter of giving his point of view.

Even when asked about the importance of voting by mail, he said it was a political issue that he couldn’t provide a point of view.

The Republican Party expressed its satisfaction.

[린지 그레이엄 /상원 법사위원장 (공화당) : 당신을 몰랐던 사람들을 당신을 더 잘 알게 되고 보수적인 젊은 여성들이 당신에게서 희망을 보길 희망합니다.]

The approval of Barrett’s candidate, led by the Republican majority in the United States Senate, will be voted on in a plenary meeting of the Senate later this month, following a vote by the Judiciary on Thursday local time.

This is YTN Dongheon Lee.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]