[국제]Candidates also visited the racial union … growing concern about violence



On the last weekend before the US presidential election, President Donald Trump and Democratic Democrat Joe Biden launched a last-minute campaign in search of key rivals.

As the two candidates continue to play Park Bing, concerns about the violence resulting from the election results also mount.

Let’s connect Washington and learn more. Correspondent Kim Ji-hwan!

Let’s first review the movement of the two candidates. Did you find the Kyung Hapju again?


Yes it is.

The key states for the breed are Pennsylvania and Michigan in the Northern Rustbelt.

President Trump was determined to win by scheduling campaigns at four locations in Pennsylvania alone.

Biden has campaigned at two locations in Michigan where he and former President Barack Obama made their first appearance on stage.

Pennsylvania and Michigan have 20 and 16 voters, respectively.

President Trump must win both Pennsylvania and Florida, which has the largest electoral pool among the race states, to win re-election.

Biden’s victory in the Democratic Victory Area four years ago and the northern Rustbelt recaptures, including Michigan and Pennsylvania, are expected to be chosen regardless of Florida’s outcome.


But as the presidential elections approach, is there growing concern about violence?


Yes it is.

I was looking out over downtown Washington on the afternoon of the 31st at this time.

From banks and fancy shops to restaurants and markets, most of the windows and doors were covered with plywood.

Installation work was also in full swing throughout the city.

The workers described the election results as a precautionary measure because looting and violence could occur.

Local outlets like the Washington Post and NBC reported that there is growing concern about violence, such as an increase in gun sales.

In fact, when anti-racism protests spread across the United States in May of this year, stores that suffered damage followed one another.

States, such as Oregon, are strengthening preparations by establishing response TFs or discussing curfew orders.


How about the panse? Have any of the latest survey results appeared?


Yes, President Trump and Biden’s Democratic Party presidential candidates continue their fight in six competing states.

Lear Clear Politics, a website specializing in elections, has compiled the results of various opinion polls as of October 31.

In six competing states, Biden was found to be 3.1 percentage points ahead of President Trump’s 45.9% with an average of 48.9%.

However, there are many places where there is a black and white confrontation, and the observation that the end result is to open the polls is gaining momentum.

In fact, the closer the presidential election on November 3 draws, the gap between the approval ratings of Republican President Trump and Democrat Biden narrows.

So far, YTN Kim Ji-hwan in Washington, USA.[[email protected]]it is.

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