[과학]The end point of the vaccine is distribution … Is there any equipment and standards for distribution at -70 ℃?


Suspension of influenza vaccination … Distribution process problem
Exposure to room temperature for some vaccines … Concerns about decreased effectiveness of medications
Corona 19 vaccine is more difficult to distribute than flu vaccine


As the development of the COVID-19 vaccine is entering the field of view, interest is growing in the method of distribution after vaccine manufacture and mass production technology.

In particular, it is noted that the Pfizer vaccine should be distributed and stored at -70 degrees Celsius.

This is Lee Sung-kyu.


The flu-free vaccination, which began in September, was temporarily suspended due to problems in the distribution process.

Concerns have been expressed that some vaccines are exposed to room temperature and their effectiveness has decreased.

[정은경 / 질병관리청장 : 냉장차가 가서 이것을 지역별로 재배분하는 과정에서 상온에 일부 노출이 됐다고 판단하고….]

Compared to the flu, the COVID-19 vaccine has a much more difficult distribution process.

Both the vaccine developed by Pfizer and the vaccine manufactured by Modena are vaccines that use RNA, the viral genome, and cryogenic storage is vital due to nature.

The Pfizer vaccine should be stored at -70 ~ 80 ℃, and the modder or vaccine should be stored at -20 ℃ for safety.

Compared to influenza vaccines that must be stored and distributed around 4 ℃, the storage temperature is significantly lower.

[김정기 / 고려대 약대 교수 : 화이자 백신은 RNA 백신이고, RNA는 물리·화학적 특성으로 굉장히 파괴가 잘 됩니다. 영하 70~80도에서 보관이 안 되면 RNA가 깨져 효능이 없어집니다.]

However, RNA vaccines have not been commercialized so far and there is no experience of vaccine distribution worldwide at -20 ° C or 70 ° C.

Therefore, the provision of special storage boxes for freezers worldwide is an immediate problem.

There is an urgent need to prepare related standards in Korea.

[신현영 / 국회 보건복지위원 : 현재 개발 중인 코로나 백신이 업체별로 영하 70도에서 영상까지 보관 상태 다양하게 출하될 가능성 있습니다. 백신 출하 전 적정 온도에서 유통 공급되는 방안이 있어야 할 것 같습니다.] [ 정은경 / 질병관리청장 : 말씀하신 영하 80도, 영하 20도로 유통되는 백신 구매 가능성이 있어 냉동 콜드 체인 어떻게 유지해 접종할지 식약처와 협의하고 저희도 접종 인프라 어떻게 갖출지 전문가와 논의 중입니다.]

After all, a common point of experts is that there is still a lot of work to be done before a poorly developed vaccine goes through manufacturing, mass production and finally distribution.

YTN Science Lee Seong-gyu[[email protected]]it is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]