[경제]The variables of the US presidential election still remain in the statement of disagreement … “Biden’s strong prospects”


The national stock market reacts sensitively to the US presidential elections this week
The statement of objection may affect the upcoming US presidential election.
Pay attention to the publication of the index showing the Chinese economy next week.


With President Trump’s statement of objection to the presidential election, the US presidential election is expected to act as a variable in the national stock market next week.

However, assuming the election of Biden, there are high expectations that the national stock market will move and green stocks will remain strong.

Reporter Lee Jong-soo on the report.


In the domestic stock market, which responded sensitively to the US presidential election, TI stocks and biological stocks, which could avoid regulations, showed strong strength as Trump showed an advantage in competition. , The share price of wind turbines has gone up a lot.

With Trump’s declaration of objection to the US presidential election, it is expected that he will continue to act as a factor of increasing volatility in the national stock market.

[이경민 / 대신증권 연구위원 : 트럼프가 대선 불복을 공식적으로 선언하고 소송을 이어가고 있는 상황이고 다음 주는 시장흐름이 미국 결과 대선 흐름에 따라서 등락을 보일 수 있다고 생각하고 있고요.]

However, experts believe that the national stock market will move under the assumption of Biden’s election.

[정명지 / 삼성증권 투자정보팀장 : 주식 시장이 격하게 반응하는 것 같지는 않고요 대법원까지 갈 수 있다고 본다 하더라도 현재 개표과정을 봤을 때 압승에 가깝기 때문에 주식 시장은 바이든 당선을 가정하고 움직일 것이라고 생각합니다.]

Consequently, renewable energy stocks are expected to remain strong on the stock market next week.

[정명지 / 삼성증권 투자정보팀장 : 바이든 수혜주에 해당되는 블루 주로 친환경차, 태양광, 수소 등등해서 신재생에너지 관련된 것들이 아마도 가장 강한 테마를 형성할 것 같고….]

The KOSPI is up for 5 consecutive business days this week, 6.6% higher than last week, and investors are likely to turn a profit next week.

Experts warn investors should pay attention to the situation in China’s manufacturing and service industries, as well as economic trends, following the release of the China Composite Buyer Management Index and Consumer Price Indices and to the Producer on days 9 and 10.

YTN Jongsoo Lee[[email protected]]it is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]