[경제]Tenant “The price is high after sleeping” … Landlord “I just want to live”


Re-hire the rent after a new lease by law enforcement ↑… Lack of ownership
Continue to increase default … More tenants considering buying and selling


The increase in the total set value is not very significant.

Apartment rentals in Seoul have been on the rise for 68 weeks in a row and for 62 weeks in the metropolitan area.

The rise in jeonse prices is due to the enforcement of the new leasing law and the impact of low interest rates, and the government is deepening its efforts to find the trick to expand supply.

Reporter Kim Hyun-woo reported.


Oh Hyun-jin, a 5 year old office worker!

With the anti-war tax contract expiring early next year, we are having a hard time finding a new card.

I knock on the agency door every day after work, but the price skyrockets and the items I like don’t go well.

[오현진 / 직장인 : 가장 불안한 건 지금 안 구하면 전셋집이 아예 없어질 것 같은 심리적 불안감이 가장 큰 것 같아요.]

Since new rental laws, such as the right to request renewal of leases, are often crushed by existing tenants, the jeonse famine continues.

Due to the contraction of goods, the price of freight, which is still there, is going up.

For this reason, some renters are turning their eyes to buying and selling, where prices have slowed somewhat in recent years than cheonsei, which has risen.

[세입자 : 지금 엄청 고민이 많이 되는 게 전세를 구하려고 하면, 딱히 저희 위치나 금액이나 이런 것에 맞춰야 하는데 선택의 폭이 너무 좁기 때문에 매매도 강력하게 생각을 많이 하고 있어요.] [윤지해 / 부동산114 수석연구원 : 저금리 상황에서 전세가 월세로 전환되는 점이 주요 원인인데요. 또한 새로운 임대차제도 시행에 따라 재계약 중심으로 시장이 돌아가고 있다는 점도 시장에 전세 매물이 부족해진 주요 이유입니다.]

People with multiple households also moved faster.

Increasingly, landlords are refusing to renew their leases to reduce the tax burden and meet the two-year life requirement.

[다주택자 : 그래도 어쩔 수 없는 상황인 것 같습니다. 저는 들어가야 하고 마침 법 개정(임대차법)이 된 상황에서 그걸(실거주) 통보해야 하는 입장이라 마음이 무겁습니다.]

Experts point out that whenever physical time is required to supply new construction, tenants also need some institutional benefits to ensure that the amount of chartered goods is enough to break your breath.

One of the causes of the recent jeonse crisis is that supply cannot meet demand.

For this reason, the government decided to promote the introduction of long-term public rental housing that even the middle class can occupy.

YTN Kim Hyun-woo[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]