[경제]8,800 cases of real estate ‘fish for sale’ are captured … 402 cases fined



There are countless cases of misleading consumers by listing items cheaper than market price, items that are not available, and fishing properties that contain false information.

The government has been cracking down for two months, detecting 8,800 cases, of which more than 400 cases that violate the law will be fined.

Reporter Kim Hyun-woo’s report.


This is an article posted by residents in the Internet meeting room.

This is a conversation I had with a real estate agent after seeing a real estate sale posted on the internet, but I was misled by a fake sale.

There are constant instances of fake or exaggerated listings on the internet and dazzling real estate consumers in a rush.

[인터넷 부동산 허위 매물 피해자(음성변조) : (인터넷상 매물을 본 뒤) 가보면 그 매물은 없고 다른 매물이 있다고 보여주는 매물들은 평소에 그 부동산에서 볼 수 있는 좀 더 비싼 매물들밖에 없어서 결국에는 허탕 친 경우가 많았고 ….]

In August, the government began an intensive inspection of these fake properties that mislead consumers and disrupt the real estate market.

[홍남기 / 부총리 겸 기획재정부장관(지난 8월) : 공인중개사법 개정안 시행, 8월 21일에 맞춰 ‘중개사의 부당 표시 및 광고’ 등에 대해 한국인터넷광고재단을 통해 철저하게 모니터링하고, 불법 행위에 대해서는 단호히 대처해 나갈 예정입니다.]

Did fake or exaggerated real estate properties that attract consumers by publishing so-called ‘fishing properties’ disappear?

During the two months in which the revised Public Brokerage Law was implemented, more than 24,000 reports were submitted, of which 8,800 were actually confirmed.

In particular, more than 400 cases with serious violations of the law have been subject to fines.

When looking at the types of fines subject to fines, the most inaccurate markings, such as address and sales address, were approximately 300 cases.

The Ministry of Lands, Infrastructure and Transport said that the number of complaints of false real estate sales has decreased by more than 40% after the approval period has passed, and called for the active reporting of suspicious cases.

YTN Kim Hyun-woo[[email protected]]it is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]