[경제][단독] The tyranny of the KT affiliate and the suffering of ‘eul’



The news to be delivered from now on is the ‘GapJil’ story of a real estate subsidiary of which KT and KT own 100% of the telecom giants.

In the past, YTN exclusively obtained videos and transcripts of KT Estate employees, who used KT buildings across the country, such as telephone offices, to conduct rental business, receiving money from tenants, and interfering with the business.

The self-employed have recently closed their business because they could not bear such tyranny and are continuing a tough demand on their own.

Reporters Kim Hyun-woo and Baek Jong-gyu deliver one after another.


A KT phone office in Busan!

Moo Jeon has been running a cafe for about 5 years after getting a rent on the corner of this building.

However, last month, the cafe, the only livelihood, was voluntarily closed.

The cafe opened in 2014!

From that point on, KT Estate employees and building managers, who are subsidiaries of KT’s real estate subsidiary, continued to interfere and interfere with the business, saying they had no choice but to appease them with money and money. .

[KT 전화국 임대 카페 사장 : 손님을 막거나 이동통로를 차단하거나 경비원들은 손님과 자꾸 싸우고 돌려보내니까….]

Not only cash, but also hypermarket gift certificates,

[KT 전화국 임대 카페 사장 : (KT에스테이트) 부장님한테 개인적으로 상품권을 드렸고….]

They claim that they also delivered gift sets over the holidays.

[KT 전화국 임대 카페 사장 : 제가 디저트하고 커피 드리면서 잘 좀 부탁한다고 몇 년간 계속 부탁했고, 설날·추석 때 이럴 때도 저희가 선물 세트라든지 항상 드리면서….]

KT Estate employees admitted that they received the money.

[당시 KT에스테이트 직원 : 나는 안 받으려고 했지…. 내가 10만 원도 받았고 몇 번 주더라고요. 그래서 나는 ‘이상하다, 이상하다’ 이러면서 (받았어요.)]

KT Estate headquarters also responded that it was true that employees received money.

Because it was a hard working cafe with my mother, I gave them cash and gifts to avoid business disruption, but they complained that they continued to be intimidated and harassed only when they gave money and goods.

The whistleblower, Mr. Jeon, informed KT headquarters about the receipt of money and goods by employees of the KT subsidiary.

How has the situation changed after reporting?

Then reporter Baek Jong-gyu will deliver.


When KT and its building management subsidiary received a report on the receipt of money and goods, the parties also went on and on Mr. Jeon’s vehicle to visit him in person.

Asking for forgiveness was also a way of not caring for Mr. Ex.

[전 모 씨 / KT 전화국 임대 카페 사장 : 집을 어떻게 알아냈는지, 밤에 찾아오니까 무서웠고, 미행했다고 말씀하시는데….]

Due to the need to continue the business, Mr. Jeon was forced to express his will and the parties were sanctioned internally.

However, he says the business disruption hasn’t stopped afterward.

The building manager has discontinued business due to frequent frictions with the cafe’s customers, and the shop is open 24/7, but also announced that it was closed and returned customers.

Furthermore, there was also a useless parking dispute.

[카페 손님 : 신랑이 왜 넓은 곳 있는데 놔두고 왜 텅텅 비었는데 안으로 대라고 하냐고 그런 적도 있었고, 너무 갑질이 심했어요.]

The construction of a very noisy building was carried out without prior notice and electricity from the cafeteria was used without consent during the construction of the KT building.

When Mr. Jeon protested, KT Estate was consistent in saying they didn’t know.

[전 모 씨 / KT 전화국 임대 카페 사장 : (전기를) 왜 쓰냐고 했더니, 쓰게 한 적은 없고, 직원이 착각해서 썼다며 이렇게 항상 변명식으로 말씀하시더라고요.]

It also made using the bathroom uncomfortable and blocked some passages.

[전 모 씨 / KT 전화국 임대 카페 사장 : 이런 상황이 되니까 힘들었죠. 그래서 공황장애가 그때부터 왔고 정신과를 1년 정도 치료를 받았던 적도 있습니다.]

Chun, who could not bear it, filed an unfair report with the political party, and KT Estate later requested that the report be withheld due to the loss of the company’s image.

[KT에스테이트 관계자 : 사장님이 연락을 하셔서 (민주당) 제보를 일단 취하를 하시고요. 기자가 알게 되는 순간 다 오픈되는 거에요. 그거에 대한 회사 이미지라도 어떻게든 지켜보려고….]

Due to the long-standing conflict, Mr. Jeon finally gave up his business and is proceeding with a lawsuit to recoup the investment.

[전 모 씨 / KT 전화국 임대 카페 사장 : 돈이 많고 시간이 많아서 변호사를 선임하는 것도 이런 장난을 치는 것이 아니기 때문에 저는 생존, 생계 그리고 제 재산을 위해서 지금 이렇게 싸우는 거거든요.]

In response, KT Estate explained that there were many issues that resulted from misunderstandings on the part claiming to be a business interruption and that the electricity usage issue was a simple mistake.

KT, a telecommunications giant that has emphasized shared growth!

However, due to the constant harassment and misery of subsidiaries away from headquarters, the helpless freelancer finds himself in a situation where he has to continue a long legal battle alone.

This is YTN Baek Jong-kyu.

Reporter: Kim Hyun-woo [[email protected]]

Reporter: Baek Jong-gyu [[email protected]]
