I don’t feel comfortable in the office.

DEAR HARRIETTE: My employer wants me to go back to the office, but I don’t feel comfortable traveling on public transportation because I don’t want to put my family at risk. I think it is irresponsible that I am asking employees to get to work so soon.

Harriette Cole

Should I put my foot on the floor and say I want to continue working from home, or follow what my boss wants to keep my job?

Fear of traveling

DEAR FEAR OF TRAVELING: One of the biggest challenges to getting back to work is traveling. People who drive their own cars have control over their interactions, but for those who must use public transportation, the notion of boarding a train or bus with many other people to get to the office may seem daunting.

As you contemplate your next steps, do a self-assessment. Do you have any underlying health conditions that put you at risk for coronavirus complications? That includes diseases of the upper respiratory tract, diabetes, high blood pressure, and autoimmune diseases.

If so, you could mention this to your employer and tell them you want to work, but are concerned about the exposure. You can ask if you can work from home a little longer to see how the virus manifests as public transportation increases.
