How stress influences the management of blood sugar balance

Due to the influence of cortisol levels on blood sugar control, finding effective ways to relieve stress can help control blood sugar levels, especially for people with type 2 diabetes.

“Whether it’s a yoga class, walking, or reading a book, finding ways to reduce your stress levels is important to everyone’s overall health,” says Joseph, who also serves as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Medicine, “especially for those with type 2 diabetes.”

Based on the results of this recent study, Joseph and his team are planning more research: “We have started a new trial to examine whether mindfulness practices can lower blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes,” he explains.

And while mindfulness practices can be an important part of stress management, he notes that those strategies mentioned are always good, too. “[Mindfulness] It is not the only effective form of stress relief. It is important to find something that you enjoy and that is part of your daily routine. “

Some of our favorite tools for stress management? Using favorite essential oils, following along with short meditations, and developing a breathing practice (which you can learn from us!) Are simple things that can make a big difference for stress levels.
