Hellish Quart may be the next successor to Bushido Blade

For the first time in years, the old school Bushido Blade fans have a ray of hope to hold on to: Infernal quarter. Infernal quarter is a new sword dueling game coming to Steam Early Access, and is very reminiscent of the beloved fighting game from PlayStation.

On its Steam Early Access page, developer Kubold describes Infernal quarter like a sword duel game set in the 17th century with different warriors of the time.

Very similar Bushido Blade, Infernal Quart emphasizes single-shot killings. In the trailer above, an upward slash is often enough damage to deal the fatal blow. Bushido Blade It had a similar mechanic in 1997, where players could kill with a single cut of their sword. Beloved Players Bushido Blade for his unique and quirky swordplay, and Infernal quintThe trailer evokes the same characteristic gameplay and style.

According to their Steam page, Infernal quint use “active rag dolls” and apply real-time physics to determine sword damage. Players will use the four different face buttons on a gamepad to determine their angle of attack, with button combinations that produce special moves.

Steam page also speaks Infernal quintHistorical precision, with 3D scanned clothing based on the Polish-Lithuanian Community. Players can use several different types of warriors in battle, including Polish hussars, Tatars, Swedish reiters, and French musketeers, among others.

Infernal quarter It will hit Steam Early Access, but the specific release date remains unannounced.