X-rays showing how coronavirus hits your lungs – Newsbeast


Impressive response to those who believe that the coronavirus There is no such thing as the radiologist KAT Manos Karras on Facebook. Two X-rays of a 38-year-old man infected with coronavirus show how SARS-CoV-2 affects the lungs.

The two X-rays of the patient, who is a smoker and diabetic, were taken 7.5 hours apart. In the second, the man now wears an oxygen mask and the effect of the coronavirus is clearly reflected in the image of the lungs. “There is no virus,” Karras said in a statement.

In 346 cases – 77 intubated

EODY announced yesterday (09/22) 346 new cases of coronavirus in Greece. Of these, 23 are associated with known influxes and 25 were identified after checks at the country’s gates.

The total number of cases is 15,928, of which 55.7% men. Of these, 2,651 (16.6%) are considered related to travel from abroad and 6,687 (42%) are related to an already known case.

77 of our fellow citizens are being treated by intubation. Their median age is 69 years, 21 (27.3%) are women and the rest are men. 88.3% of intubated patients have an underlying disease or are 70 years or older.

185 patients have left the ICU.

Finally, we have 8 more deaths registered and 352 deaths in total in the country. 131 (37.2%) women and the rest men. The average age of our dying fellow citizens was 78 years and 96.9% had some underlying disease and / or were 70 years or older.
