What a necklace from El Arabi! – Football


What a necklace from El Arabi!

Youssef El Arabi showed his class tonight. Perhaps in the final and in the premiere with Asteras nothing came out, however with Omonia he scored.

The Moroccan striker made an individual effort and caught the volley with his left, sending the ball into Fabiano’s net.

The Omonia goalkeeper couldn’t get that.

The Arabi “wrote” more.

What a goal he scored on 92 ‘!


PGRpdiBzdHlsZT0iIiBjbGFzcz0ibWItMyBjb2wtMTIgdGV4dC1jZW50ZXIiPgoJCQkJCgkJCQkJCQkJCQk8YSBocmVmPSdodHRwczovL3d3dy5nYXZyb3MuZ3IvYWpheC9yZWRpcmVjdC1iYW5uZXIvTE55cEZybVVnZV8taVg2N1B3YkF5alZUVnZNdENLSXhPLUd4UUg0dVlpTScgIHRhcmdldD0nX2JsYW5rJz48aW1nIHNyYz0naHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ2F2cm9zLmdyL2ZpbGVzL2Jhbm5lcnMvZWE5MWE2Y2U3NWQwZTkzMmU0MzdlODYxNmMyZDBhOWEuZ2lmJyBhbHQ9J1JFRFNUT1JFJyBjbGFzcz0naW1nLWZsdWlkJyBzdHlsZT0nJy8 + PC9hPgoJCQkJCQkKCQkJCQkJCTwvZGl2Pg ==

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