The photo of the rector is impressive. And create associations that refer to what is happening in France. There Macron defends the way of life. Here we have to defend the basics. The guys behind the rector are described as fascists, like the golden roommate’s ideal roommate. Just be careful not to touch anyone with the two extremes theory.
However, it is probably not correct to give a political tone to the debate. Yes, of course, those responsible for savagery belong to an extreme political space. But in reality they are nothing more and nothing less than common criminal law jams. If they did not fight against the “Europeanization of the universities”, they would be perched on the bars of any stadium. They were simply inspired by “social struggles” and not by the purity of the race. There were no bastards by ideology. They just searched and found an ideological framework that’s friendly to bastards. These guys would be violent in Exarchia or at the Stadium Gate. They are not ideologues of the Revolution. They are common hooligans.
The problem is that a part of the left is trapped somewhere, put a leg up somewhere, and cannot easily distance itself. Some people think they have an ideological kinship, others think that the parents of the “children” also vote, they may even get a lost vote, if the angry kids wake up early and go to the polls. And somehow, if the kids get lost, we could take them home by taxi. On the other hand, the right is situated more in the ideological tone of the actions, giving rise to defensive reflexes on the other side.
The simple truth is “Anarchist Liberation Group”. Just from the title you understand what you are dealing with. With kids unleashing hooligan instincts behind an ideological screen. The only difference between the two is that they know the spelling better.
So when you have hooligans in front of you, you don’t need political manuals and sermons for the Republic’s reaction to those who want to undermine it. You need common sense and a penal code, not a political conversation. Because the Liberal Anarchist Ascent Group is not undermining democracy. At most to provoke her a little.
The theme of common nonsense disguised as social activism will end when the shell of political action is removed. When the left (that is, a part of it) stops covering them and when the right stops overemphasizing the ideological. We are talking about ten tramps, nothing more.