Watch a video with Themis Adamantidis singing at the busy “Bella Vita Night Club” in the midst of a pandemic!


For at least three months he has been operating illegally, literally locking up his … fanatic clients in the area and opening in the early hours of the morning, after 6 o’clock, so that he can go home “under the nose” of the Police, the “Bella Vita Night Club” on Liosion Street.

The … revelations of the illegal “coronary entertainment”, without any protection measure, as you will see in the video that follows, took place just yesterday, Friday, March 12, after a special operation of the Interservice Market Control Unit (DIMEA) of the Ministry of Development and Investment, with the assistance of Attica Security.

According to the information, the special operation was planned methodically and with a specific plan. The DIMEA members were already in the store as customers, and the moment the fun started “on”, a raid was carried out down stairs by DIMEA and ELAS inspectors.

The specific store was put under surveillance, as there were reports that it operated normally every Friday and Saturday, giving appointments to “known” customers for … crown bouzoukis in the middle of a pandemic.

Well-known names of the pentagram, in fact, such as Themis Adamantidis, did not hesitate to make “guest” appearances in the store, completely indifferent to the protective measures against the spread of the coronavirus and traffic restrictions.

The related videos were uploaded to YouTube on February 7 by a user listed as an administrator. Through his Facebook account, in fact, it is said that the … calls to the crown were made for the nights of hectic but illegal entertainment in nightclub from Liosion Street.


The two store managers were arrested. In addition to the charges they face, each was imposed an administrative fine of 3,000 euros. The store was also sealed and he was fined 5,000 euros.

According to the same information, 20 spectators were trapped in the … leeks, each of whom was fined 300 euros.

Adonis Georgiadis on THEMA 104.6: “It wasn’t a party, it was a normal nightclub operation”

“It was not a party, it was a normal operation of a disco with patrons and flowers,” said the Minister of Development and Investment, Adonis Georgiadis, in statements to the radio station THEMA 104.6 and Ilias Siakantaris about what was happening in the discotheque.

“All will be investigated,” he said, “all the information has gone to the prosecutor.” He even raised the issue of individual responsibility, saying that some must understand that with 2,500 cases a day they cannot do a normal nightclub operation …

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