USA: AstraZeneca vaccine production stops at factory in …


The government of President Joe Biden has halted production of the Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical AstraZeneca’s vaccine for the new coronavirus at the Baltimore plant where 15 million doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccine were mistakenly destroyed and instructed The New York Times .

J&J said in a statement that it “takes full responsibility” for the production of the active substance in its vaccine “at the Emergent BioSolutions Inc. facilities.”

It did not specify whether it would take full control of the factory. The company did not respond when Reuters asked it to clarify this by email.

According to the New York Times, AstraZeneca said it would work with the United States government to find another facility to produce its vaccine. The company did not respond when asked by Reuters for comment on the decision.

The US Department of Health’s move means that the Emergent BioSolutions plant will now exclusively manufacture the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which is administered in a single dose. The goal is to avoid confusion in the future like the one that led to the destruction of the 15 million doses, the newspaper wrote, citing two top executives from federal health services.

This week, the adviser to the presidency to address the novel coronavirus pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci said the United States may not need the AstraZeneca vaccine for the novel coronavirus, even if it gets approval from the regulator.

Source: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ
