There was a tragedy in Crete with one dead and six injured in a car accident that occurred shortly after nine o’clock on Saturday night on the road to the Antiquities of Gortyna, before Agioi Deka in the municipality of Gortyna. A tragedy occurred in Serres with a 55-year-old man who lost his life in a car accident yesterday morning.
The collision of the vehicles took place in unclear circumstances, while the wounded were transported to the Venizelio hospital with two EKAB ambulances from Heraklion and two ambulances from the Health Centers in the area that rushed to the scene. A squadron department fire truck arrived at the crash site when passengers were trapped to release them.
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A 33-year-old man is dead.while The 33-year-old wife and daughter are being treated in serious condition.. The violent collision caused the occupants to be trapped in the remains of the two vehicles. The family of four in one and three people in the other vehicle. Ambulances received the wounded and transported them to the Venizelio General Hospital in Heraklion, while the 33-year-old body went to PAGNI.
A 14-year-old girl was kidnapped by a car – Chalkida crash
A car accident occurred in the port of Chalkida, with a 14-year-old girl who was dragged by a car and injured. While what happened on Athens Avenue with a driver is unthinkable, as the video that runs the Internet shows, to enters the opposite current, at the point where there is a dividing islet, resulting in cause a car accident.
It is unknown how the driver fell on the unfortunate girl, who was transported by EKAB ambulance to Chalkida General Hospital for first aid. As it turned out, the Fortunately, his injury was not serious. The preliminary investigation of the traffic accident is carried out by the Chalkida Port Authority.
Kalamata: 3-year-old boy dies in hospital – He was seriously injured in a car accident
Today expired in Kalamata hospital early in the morninginfant 3 years old, who was seriously injured in a car accident.
In particular, according to the police, the accident occurred when the car that drive 24 yearsand in which the three-year-old boy was traveling, he was diverted, for reasons still unknown, from his course at kilometer 71 of the old Kalamata-Tripoli national highway, at the height of Agios Konstantinos.
After the detour, the car crashed into a tree, injuring the car driver, the baby, and the 22-year-old co-pilot.
The three wounded were transferred to a hospital in Kalamata, where, despite the efforts of doctors, the three-year-old boy succumbed to his injuries.
However, another shocking car accident happened yesterday in Ilia!