Christina Souzi warns SKAI about her time next days, indicating what the conditions will be until Christmas Day (12/25).
by tomorrow (12/22) There will be rain in various parts of the country, but without particularly strong phenomena, with winds of 6 Beaufort and temperatures reaching 17 degrees.
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This will be the Christmas season
From Wednesday (12/23) to Friday, the weather will be generally clear, with Christmas Day characterized by cloudy, with the mercury rising to 19 degrees, although Giannis Kallianos speaks of a cold invasion.
See the forecast in Athensmagazine.gr:
Weather Today: Cloudy with local rain – Low temperatures in the north
With local rains, but also individual stormsIn addition to snow in the northern mountains, the weather is expected today, according to the EMY forecast. In fact, there will be low temperatures in the north.
In particular, for today they are expected clouds increased temporarily with local rains, mainly in the Ionian, western and central Macedonia, Thessaly, the Sporades, Evia, eastern Esterea, Crete and temporarily in the Dodecanese.
Isolated thunderstorms will occur in the Ionian in the morning. Some snow will fall on your northern mountains continent, as Klearchos Marousakis pointed out. Visibility in the morning and in the afternoon will be in limited places mainly in the central and northern continents where local fog may form in the morning.
The winds will blow, in the southeast from 3 to 5 Beaufort. In the east northeast 4 to 5 and in the Aegean locally 6 beauforts. The temperature will notice little drop in the East.
Detailed weather forecast for today 12/21
- Weather: Clouds temporarily increased, with patients local rains in western and central Macedonia. Some snow will fall in the mountains. Visibility in some places will be limited and local fog is likely to form in the morning.
- Winds: East northeast 3 to 5 Beaufort.
- Temperature: From 04 to 11 degrees centigrade. In western Macedonia from 4 to 5 points less.
- Climate: Clouds temporarily increased with local rains mainly in the Ionian, where in the morning there will be individual storms. Visibility in some places will be limited and local fog is likely to form in the morning on the mainland.
- Winds: from the southeast 3 to 5 Beaufort.
- Temperature: From 07 to 17 degrees Celsius. Within the Epirus 3-5 degrees lower.
- Weather: Clouds increased temporarily, with local rains, generally patients, mainly in the northern regions. Visibility in some places will be limited.
- Winds: East northeast 3 to 4 and east and south 5 and gradually until 6 Beaufort.
- Temperature: From 08 to 15 degrees centigrade. In the north 2 to 3 degrees lower.
- Weather: Cloudy skies temporarily increased with patients local rains in the north of Crete.
- Winds: North 4 to 5 and gradually local 6 Beaufort.
- Temperature: 11 to 15 degrees Celsius.
- Weather: Overcast skies temporarily increased with the possibility of temporary local rain.
- Winds: From north 4 to 5 and locally north 6 beauforts.
- Temperature: 12 to 17 degrees Celsius. In the north 3 to 4 degrees lower.
- Weather: Clouds temporarily increased.
- Winds: North 4 to 5 Beaufort.
- Temperature: 10 to 15 degrees Celsius.
- Weather: Cloudy skies temporarily increased with the possibility of light local rains in the north and east.
- Winds: Northeast 3 to 5 Beaufort.
- Temperature: 09 to 14 degrees Celsius.
- Weather: Clouds temporarily increased with patients local rains. Visibility in some places will be limited.
- Winds: East 3 to 4 Beaufort.
- Temperature: From 07 to 11 degrees Celsius.