First entry: Sunday, February 21, 2021, 9:57 p.m.
The mayor of Kordelio – Evosmos, Kleanthis Mandalianos, intends to appeal to the Court of Justice, regarding the leaks about the creation of a reception center for immigrants within the municipality, which he described as “fake news”.
“I don’t know who leaked these fake news and upset the municipality but I intend to file a lawsuit against strangers to anyone who spreads fake news,” said the mayor during an emergency teleconference of the municipal council about the severe blockade imposed in the area. due to the increase in cases of coronavirus mutation.
It was preceded by an announcement from the municipality in which it was described as “completely false” about the creation of a reception center for immigrants. “There has never been communication between the Ministry of Migration Policy or the police with the municipality of Kordelio-Evosmos,” the statement said, adding that “it is clear that the government would not have a hidden agenda on a vital local community issue.”
Citizens took to the streets today, protesting the issue that came up with the center and the closure.
Meanwhile, starting tomorrow, Monday, the EODY mobile team will be located in the central areas of Kordelio and Evosmos, performing a rapid detection test for the SARS-CoV-2 antigen. The tests will last three days, while the possibility of continuing until Friday (2/26) opens.
Last Updated: Sunday, February 21, 2021, 9:59 PM