Finally, the Chrysi Avgi verdict, in addition to all the other side effects for Greek society and the political system, has the ability to aggravate SYRIZA’s disintegration situation!
Kontonis and the Aeolus bag
In the internal disputes of the previous period that were expressed on the occasion of the Greek-Turk, reaching High-level matches between Alexis Tsipras and Euclid Tsakalotou, now he comes to add Koumoundourou’s complete break with him Stavros Kontoni who made public his resignation from the Central Committee and opened the Aeolos bag for SYRIZA’s responsibilities regarding changes in the penal code.
In fact, the situation is becoming more explosive as Kontoni’s view was supported by another former SYRIZA Justice Minister, Nikos Paraskevopoulos, who claimed that Mr. Kontonis is correct in his support of the changes made to SYRIZA in the penal Code.
And all this while Stavros Kontonis is shown by Koumoundourou as a spokesperson for ND and as a person who serves in a hostile way towards SYRIZA and the interests of the left.
Finally what everyone expected happened. Late last night, SYRIZA deleted it, something that changes the data so far in this area. That is, they never erase.
The announcement is very harsh:
Stavros Kontonis stands firm, according to his statement, “communist in the renewed left”. Obviously, no one can take that right away from me.
However, he renounced the right to be a member of SYRIZA-Alianza Progresista from the moment he decided to turn against his party not only with non-existent accusations about the penal code that in fact favor the propaganda and fake news of ND, but and with unacceptable descriptions and defamatory of their peers. He chose with his attitude to try to cloud a huge popular victory against the criminal activity of the neo-Nazis.
The accused and his options “.
It is literally turning into a mill in Koumoundourou as instead of – unsurprisingly – the condemnation of Chrysi Avgi to give air to the sails of the official opposition, the discussion that has been opened essentially puts responsibilities in the framework. for the laundering of Chrysi Avgi and government liabilities. SYRIZA.
Storm in Koumoundourou
The mere fact that Kontoni’s statements were used by the ND government and Kyriakos Mitsotakis, leading Alexis Tsipras to the position of apology for tolerance towards the Golden Dawn, is indicative of the vortex and deep internal crisis in which find SYRIZA.
And the fact of the expulsion of a former minister, and in fact of Justice because of what was said about the Penal Code, shows that the official opposition is getting rid of the entanglement.
The storm that has been caused by Kontoni’s statements was the occasion for the Nikos Paraskevopoulos and to give a clarifying statement that his initial statements were “distorted” and in the context of Koumoundourou’s line he expresses his disagreement with Stavros Kontonis’s “choice to raise the issue at a time when we should discuss its historical significance characterization of Golden Dawn as a criminal organization “.
Indicative of the storm that prevails in the official opposition, is the action of its deputies to present an amendment in order to make the process of declaration of political parties by the Supreme Court more rigorous and introduce obstacles to eligibility that lead to the deprivation of political rights to the condemned. Dawn, at the time the relevant provision that existed in the old penal code was repealed and while the Golden Dawn trial was underway last year.
Unable to take advantage of big events
In any case, once again, when an important event occurs, such as the condemnation of Golden Dawn as a criminal organization, in SYRIZA and internal party discussions are spent on Kontoni’s resignation … from the Central Committee and finally on his removal !
At the time when Alexis Tsipras was going up to Thessaloniki and trying to go on the counterattack and deconstruct any Kyriakos Mitsotakis narrative, Euclid Tsakalotos was writing a “diary” to deconstruct the Tsipras narrative and plan.
At the time SYRIZA was seeking justification for the Prespa Agreement in the visit of Pompero and the idiot of the government, the Theodora Tzakri which he chose to attribute, in fact, as an accusation to Kyriakos Mitsotakis, internationalist politics!
And at the time when Theodora Tzakri characterized the prime minister as stateless, several other “53” executives and the group of modernizers argued in favor of the SEZ deal with Egypt against the “present” line and the opposition hard line. against the ND in Greek. .
And in all this, Alexis Tsipras took a step before the creation of a disciplinary body for the imposition of sanctions on executives who step out of line.
With this and that, SYRIZA shows a total inability to take advantage of major events and serious developments that will reverse the climate of stagnation that polls continue to record.
Next to Euclid Tsakalotos he said significantly that even if Alexis Tsipras loses the election, he still has a long way to go …