Survivor 4: Unacceptable Red Team – Triantaphyllos apologized and continued to attack him – Survivor


An unacceptable move in Survivor was made by Red TeamWhat did the Rose see for apologizes during the communication award, continuing the attack against him and even questioning his injury.

Shortly after the end of the communication award, the singer, who previously adored Giorgos Kopsidas, wanted to speak with the rest of the team, apologizing for what happened lately, something that does not seem to move his teammates, who the next day. They continued the “nails” on the beach.

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Survivor 4: Daffy’s apology was not accepted

Almost everyone thought the apology was said, because Triantaphyllos just wants to stay in the game and form alliances again. However, they did not stop there, as “Lucas” later spoke about his injury, citing an official diagnosis from the doctor, and George Asimakopoulos is still questioning him.

Survivor 4: “Salagoudi had fun on this track”

Survivor continued on Wednesday episode (3/17) with a communication award, with Twitter remembering Anthi Salagoudi and his epic moments in the mud, as if not a day had passed.

The presenter will always remain in the hearts of survival reality fans as the worst player she has ever been through, and they do not hesitate to remember her every time and the new battlefield gave them, as Anthi had written a story about how it was her. rolling … in the spa

Survivor 4: The party recalled … Salagoudi on Twitter who also commented on Dafi-Kopsida

“He had those clues for fun,” was one of the comments on Twitter, showing that Salagoudi never forgets, while many also spoke of the opposition of the outgoing candidates, Triantaphyllou and Giorgos Kopsidas.
