In particular, the JMC establishes the special purpose of Article 4 of Law 11.03.2020 on Legislative Content (A ’55), which depends on the temporary suspension of the operation of care / education units / structures where children are enrolled or They study how these are provided for in case (a) of paragraph 3 of the aforementioned article and will be granted under the conditions established for the duration of the suspension, without any other time limit or requiring the issuance of a new regulation. same “.
Therefore, as long as the above units remain closed, parents have the right to obtain a special purpose permit for at least three days, provided that the employee uses one day of their normal leave for every three days of the purpose leave. special.
Parental parental work leave entitles children to:
– enrolled in nursery schools, kindergartens and nurseries,
– who study in compulsory school units,
– attending special schools or special education and training units, regardless of the age limit of children, as well as working parents of people with disabilities, who, regardless of age, benefit from open-ended care services for people with disabilities.
The above license can be obtained if at least one parent works in the private sector as an employee, even if the other parent is an independent worker.
In the event that both parents are employees, in the same or different employers, with a joint responsibility declaration with the employer or their employers, they announce which of the two will use the previous license or, if they share a license, the intervals of corresponding time of use for each one of them.
If one parent is a private sector employee while the other is in the Public Sector, you are required to submit to the employer the responsible statement from the Public Sector parent worker that you have not used the special purpose permit, so that the private sector employee may use this license.
If only one of the two parents is working, then he or she cannot use the special purpose license unless the non-working parent:
– you are being treated for any reason or
– you get a crown or
– is a person with a disability (disabled) with a percentage of 67% or more, according to a decision of a competent health committee in force or receives a disability grant from the Organization for Social Welfare and Solidarity (OPEKA) or a disability pension.
In the event of divorce or separation from the parents, the parent who has custody of the child or parental responsibility shall obtain special leave, unless otherwise agreed, in accordance with their joint declaration of responsibility as indicated above.
In any case, in order for the employee to be able to use the special purpose leave, they must meet the legal requirements to obtain a normal annual leave of at least 6 days on the six-day job and 5 days on the five-day job. If the above condition is not met, then you are entitled to special purpose leave in proportion to the normal days of leave to which you are entitled.
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