SKAI clash with Nikos Moutsinas: tragic events – TV


Rapid developments at SKAI with him Nikos Moutsinas as stocks fall, now that “Good afternoon»It is seriously affected even by the repetition of the opposite fields.

The presenter returned to the walls at a time when the afternoon area constantly played reruns, with audience numbers that did not justify the decision of the production to bet on the “quarantine edition” of their program.

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Based on viewership, Nikos Moutsinas was found to be behind the reruns of “Rook Zook” on ANT1 and “Shopping Star” on Star, and the channel was concerned if this show had a reason to exist. on his show next season.

SKAI clash with Nikos Moutsinas

It is characteristic that last Tuesday, Vicky Kaya spent 7.5 points against the general team. Specifically, the “Good afternoon»Recorded 15% of total audience and 16.5% in dynamic audience, the corresponding numbers of”Shopping Star»Be 22.5% and 20%.

It is worth noting that your show Vicky Kaya is one of the (very) low budget programs, at that time Nikos Moutsinas It costs a lot…

Nikos Moutsinas dropped a “bomb” – what happened?

Nikos Moutsinas dropped a “bomb” in the air of his show. This is the person who needs to present it GNTM According to. Do you mind?

THE Iliana Papageorgiou He removed the status of “GNTM judge” from his profile on his personal Instagram account and this, as expected, was commented on by the on-air presenter of his show, causing panic because … read more about Nikos Moutsinas on Youweekly . gram

“Our game is over, you won mom …” – Nikos Moutsinas trembles

Nikos Moutsinas spoke about the death of his mother on the occasion of his celebration. mother. The presenter shuddered with his long text and his photo, where he wrote, among other things. “Our game ended, you won mom”.

About five years ago, the host of the show “Good afternoon“He lost his mother and sank into her mourning. As he said in an interview, it took him a year … read more about Nikos Moutsinas on
