This is the man who was burned in the face by Aliki Vougiouklaki! Shocking revelation for the legendary actress, so we even made a terrible revelation for the man who was in a relationship while married to Dimitris Papamichael!
On a scheduled return to court in Athensthe Vougiouklaki It was too late. The crew had installed the cameras and were waiting for hours. Palierakis was furious and contacted Philopimenas Finos to inform him about the absence of the protagonist and her makeup. A little later, the actress arrived at her car at the scene of the shooting, obviously irritated that the caretaker had “immobilized” her. All right.
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He held a cigarette in his hand, even though he didn’t smoke. He got out of the car and approached her. Palieraki and removed it from his face. “I went immediately and filed a lawsuit against her. Mr. Finos did not want me to raise the issue, because I had paid him an advance for 5 movies that were going to be shot,” the caregiver revealed in an interview.
History had taken on great proportions. One night that Palierakis he found himself in a tavern with friends, heard some acquaintances yell at him: “Welcome to the Vougiouklaki ashtray». This resin bothered him. However, he decided not to pursue the matter in court, after Finos’ insistence.
The legal dispute
To withdraw the lawsuit or Palierakis, asked through his lawyer the amount of 150 thousand drachmas. “The lawyer went to the” Aliki “theater one night to meet them up close and get the money. They had” baked “him to give him 150,000 for me and 50 for him. As soon as he was ready to take the checks, Two police officers turned up and arrested him for extortion. They had directed the job in order to get to the top. But what blackmail? They wanted to give the money themselves. “
Vougiouklaki sued Palieraki for extortion, which was initially rejected by the prosecutor. Eventually, he was ordered to stand trial along with the caregiver’s lawsuit. The actress was sentenced to five months in prison, while her own lawsuit was deemed unfounded because there were no problems with blackmail.
The court of appeal
Opponents were brought to the appeals court. There was panic in the room. “It just came to our attention then Aliki Vougiouklaki who is currently on trial, we should have a stamp “, his lawyer was speaking, while the audience shouted” why? Spit it out? To end the story, Palierakis retired. He demanded that only his lawyer’s expenses, which amounted to 50 thousand drachmas, be paid, an amount that Finos finally paid.
The Aliki Vougiouklaki and the Pantelis Palierakis in the movie “The forest came out of paradise”. The caretaker was posing as the driver.
The end of misunderstanding
Several years have passed since the “cigarette case” Palierakis and Vougiouklaki they did not meet again. At one point, they were spotted at the “Libra” nightclub. As soon as she saw him, she took a cigarette and walked over to him. “Don’t come, because this time I will clean your face,” he said, and she replied, “Come on, find me.” They hugged each other and the misunderstanding ended.