Peristeri: Alarm at the Health Center – The Pfizer vaccine has disappeared


An alarm signaled to the Authorities, as one had mysteriously disappeared since last night. jar with the vaccine of Pfizer. A nurse from the Health Center PeristeriouHe had taken out the bottle, left it in a specific place and when he returned, it was missing. The nurse immediately called the police and the security department is investigating this strange case.

As Mina Karamitrou said speaking on Open TV’s “Greek Hour”, the Police Investigate all the possibilities, from the simplest, to get lost or destroyed in some way, but also more … strange scenarios of theft of the vial.

This morning, police from the security department will return to the Health Center and receive testimonies and testimonies. The truth is that a bottle of Pfizer has made … wings and the police are trying to clarify the case.

As Ms Pagoni said speaking on Open TV, whoever has taken it, it is essentially useless, on the one hand because the temperatures stored are very special, on the other hand its dissolution is very difficult and can only be done in a laboratory .
