Panhellenic 2021: Restoring the coefficients of gravity – How the points will be calculated


The restoration of the coefficients of gravity and a new way to calculate the points, from the national exams of 2021 onwards, “brings” a ministerial decision.

As stipulated in the decision, published in the Official Gazette (Β ‘3821 / 9.9.2020), the calculation of the total number of points of the candidates will be carried out as follows:

The sum of the scores written on the twenty-grade scale with approximately one-tenth of the four nationally examined courses, which are given in the Guidance Group to which the candidate belongs for the specific Scientific Field, will be multiplied by two ( two).

Then, to this product will be added the products of the written qualifications of the two courses with the respective weights, which are delivered in the Guidance Group to which the candidate belongs for the specific Scientific Field. The final sum is multiplied by one hundred (100).

The coefficients of gravity were defined as follows:

A. Humanities Guidance Group

1st Scientific Field: Humanities, Law and Social Sciences:

a) Ancient Greek orientation: 1.3

b) Orientation history: 0.7

B. Guidance Group for Positive Studies and Health Studies

2nd Scientific Field: Positive and Technological Sciences.

a) Mathematical Orientation: 1.3

b) Physical orientation: 0.7

3rd scientific field: Health and life sciences:

a) Orientation biology: 1.3

b) Orientation chemistry: 0.7

C. Guidance Group for Economics and Informatics Studies

4th Scientific Field: Economics and Informatics:

a) Mathematical Orientation: 1.3

b) Economy Orientation: 0.7

With information from ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ
