Oruc Reis appears to be heading towards the Turkish coast


Double your speed and sail northeast to the Turkish coast, the Turkish research vessel Oruc Reis in the last hours.

At least that’s what the website says Maritime traffic, which tracks the position of ships by satellite.

The speed of Oruc Reis reaches 10 knots, a fact that is interpreted as having collected the cables and does not scan the seabed, doing seismic research. The same is true of the two accompanying vessels, Ataman and Cengiz Han, which follow the research vessel.

The Turkish research vessel from August 10 until today was moving at a speed of 4-5 knots, which allowed it to navigate with laid cables, which, according to military sources, never managed to sink.

Furthermore, from what appears in the Maritime Traffic system, Oruc Reis is said to have declared the destination. Myrrh (Demre) on the Turkish coast, east of Kastelorizo.

It is recalled that today, September 12, the illegal Navtex issued by the Antalya station of the Turkish hydrographic and oceanographic service expires.

the Armed forces closely follow the movements of the Turkish seismograph, as it is currently unknown whether this is a temporary situation or an indication of a change in the Turkish attitude.
