Nea Smyrni: Fake or true news? – Does a police officer hold a gun during the episodes?


A photo that was published Tuesday night, and that comes from the episodes that took place earlier in Nea Smyrni, is the subject of an investigation by the authorities. This is a photo that shows a group of police officers moving down a street in the area. Some pedestrians and others on their motorcycles. He appears to be from group “D” at the time of the unprecedented incidents that resulted in the very serious injury of a police officer.

The photo shows the camera copilot holding something in his left hand that looks like a pistol. The extension of his hand looks like he has a weapon and is pointing to the left.

Certainly the photos are often deceiving and it is not what it seems. The pistol in the photo looks too big, the barrel looks big and uneven, not straight, the handle is also chubby, but this may be related to the angle the photo was taken.

Also, no protester complained that he was threatened with a weapon, only late at night when the photo was leaked, some speculated about a weapon.

But it is a fact that it is necessary to investigate if this policeman drew a pistol, if it was his service weapon or if he was holding something else.

The photo, as well as relevant residents’ complaints, are from Thrakis Street in Nea Smyrni.

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