Costas Karapapas was clear in everything on the Super League board, which was done by teleconference. The Olympiacos vice president gave advice against the AEK president, Evangelos Aslanidis, because in the EPO Executive Committee, where he represented the League, he said that “what the Cup committee says prevails”, highlighting that “it does not have sense from one point and then agree (ss at the League Board) something here unanimously in the morning and in the afternoon to change it. ” At the same time, Karapapas blamed the EPO for the Cup final, which “has become a comedy and has tarnished us across Europe.”
When he analyzed the proposal to make the cross and the final, he pointed out the following: “In other words, we do not believe that the OFI coach or the Atromitos coach is responsible because Mr. Diakofotis and I don’t know who else, I don’t know them and I don’t want to know them, they decide what the giant teams will do. Like Olympiacos, AEK, Panathinaikos, PAOK. A guy who is a plumber in Samos decides if Olympiacos and AEK will play and where, if anything, is the structure?.
Olympiacos Vice President Costas Karapapas’s position at today’s League Board of Directors meeting for the start of the championship and the cup final in detail:
“In the league we made an important decision that has to do with the reality of football, but it also has to do with our attitude as a league as a whole towards football and the future. When we decide something and we decide it unanimously, we show that we have unanimity and we say that the league insist on starting the championship on the 12th of the month as agreed and approved by the EPO and we go to the executive committee, it will be fine. the executive committee where the people who represent the league, unanimously continue with this request, present it and support it. Unfortunately, as those who were there from the Super League realized and unfortunately for the rest of us who knew what happened, there was a different attitude than AEK. I mean, we said some things in the morning in the Super League and others in the afternoon. The AEK representative who represented the Super League in the executive committee actually said that what the Cup committee says prevails, no matter what the league says and in fact Mr. President and confirm if I am right, he also attacked personal. I think we should stigmatize this and it shouldn’t happen again. Because it does not make sense in a moment and then agree on something here unanimously in the morning and in the evening to change it. In fact, we believe that not all teams can suffer and the planning of all teams for a final that under the responsibility of the EPO has become a comedy and has disgraced us throughout Europe. That is, we do not believe that the OFI coach or the Atromitos coach is responsible because Mr. Diakofotis and I don’t know who else, I don’t know them and I don’t even want to know them, they decide what the giant teams will do. Like Olympiacos, AEK, Panathinaikos, PAOK. A guy who is a plumber in Samos decides if Olympiacos and AEK will play and where, if anything, this structure? But we must as professional football, when we are united and the front is tight, then there is the front and then. Let’s not say anything in front but something from behind and let this happen. But we, as we do not want to disturb anyone, we believe that: the championship should start normally as we said. We believe that the AEK-Olympiakos or Olympiakos-AEK game should be defined based on how the first match will be drawn, that is, the cup final as in any case established by the EPO executive and the Olympiakos-AEK or AEK game- Olympiakos for the championship that will take place on December 16, which is the first free date as we mentioned and as we were informed from the Super League. I hope AEK agrees with this, both today and tomorrow and in the afternoon. I mean, we shouldn’t have any disagreements. It would be good if we all agreed on that. So, if that happens, I think we are overcoming the reluctance not to start the League and not to dismantle the planning of everything because I repeat it was decided by some people who from the Super League only benefit at the end. They only have income. We have not done any harm to them, neither in their planning, nor in anything.
Our idea is that we both draw AEK-Olympiakos or Olympiakos-AEK in the first match. Instead of this game, the Cup final should normally take place on Saturday the 12th and our match should take place on December 16, which is the first empty date for the Super League, on Wednesday. And thus facilitate the other teams in their planning, start normally, play normally and postpone only one game and not two “.
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