The tragic news of the death of the great drummer and musician Tony Allen spread an indescribable sadness in the music scene, while a while ago the performance scene was in mourning when a famous Game of Thrones actor “passed away”.
Or according to many most important drummer in the world, the Nigerian musician who starred in the creation of a new musical genre, his Afrobeat, the teacher Tony Allen passed away. He died in the early hours of the morning in Paris, after suffering a heart attack, spreading emotions in the omnipresent world of music. He was 79 years old.
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Born in Lagos, Nigeria in 1940 and a music lover since his teens, he was self-taught when he discovered the secrets of drum art on his own, without any help when he was 18 years old. He even revealed that he developed his excellent technique by listening very carefully to performances by American jazz drummers Art Blakey and Max Roach. Incorporating his own elements and using his inexhaustible inspiration, he created the characteristic polyphonic rhythm of afrobeat, which It masterfully combines African music with jazz and funk.
Tony Allen has been a close associate of legendary Nigerian songwriter and polyorganist Fela Kuti for many years as music director for his famous band: “Without Tony Allen there would be no afrobeatHe had characteristically declared, acknowledging, in the most official way, his great talent and his decisive contribution to the development of new musical trends. It’s worth noting here that when Allen left this orchestra, it took four different drummers to fill the big void he left!
His admirers, moreover, were many notable musicians. from the West, including the famous British musician and producer Brian Eno, who had said with more certainty that “Tony Allen is the best drummer of all time,” a vision written by many musicians from all corners of the world. Social media has been flooded with emotional goodbye messages today.
Among them is Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea, who talked about a music “hero” who left.