Med7 Conclusions: Leaders Propose Additional Sanctions Against Turkey


The leaders of the Mediterranean countries expressed their full support and solidarity in Greece and Cyprus for the repeated violations of sovereignty and sovereign rights, as well as the aggressive actions of Turkey, during the Med7 Summit in Corsica. At the same time, they call on all countries in the region to comply with international law, in particular International Maritime Law, and encourage all parties to resolve their differences through dialogue and negotiation.

They welcome the mediation effort of Josep Borrell and Germany with the aim of continuing the dialogue between Greece and Turkey on the issue of maritime zones. The seven leaders, taking into account the conclusions of the recent European Council, deplore the fact that Turkey has not responded to repeated calls by the EU to end its unilateral and illegal actions in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean.

The conclusions of the Summit (Ajax Declaration) indicate that the leaders declare – after the informal Council of Foreign Ministers (Gymnich) in August – that they agree to work on additional lists based on the proposals presented so far, with a view to their immediate adoption. . They argue that, in the absence of progress in Turkey’s participation in the dialogue, unless it ends unilateral activities, the EU is ready to draw up a list of new restrictive measures to be discussed at the European Council meeting in the days September 24 and 25, 2020.

