It was an earthquake on the surface and it was felt across Greece, OASP President Professor Efthymios Lekkas said, adding that there was a warning of a small tsunami on SKAI television.
As he said “It was a magnitude 6.7 earthquake somewhere where it will end. This is a surface earthquake. It was felt strongly in almost all of Greece and we still have no information about the effects in the Samos area. In fact, it is on the border between Samos and Turkey “So far there is a marine fissure at the bottom.”
He said there should be no panic and pointed out that “the earthquake as a fact always worries us.”
It is noted that a very strong earthquake, 6.7 on the Richter scale according to the revised Geodynamic Institute solution, was particularly felt from Athens to Patras, as well as in Turkey. The earthquake occurred at 1:51 p.m. and lasted at least 10 seconds.
The epicenter was reported 19 kilometers north of Samos. The focal depth was only 2 km.
“The disasters were unprecedented for the island, I think some houses may have been demolished… There are earthquakes all the time. The duration must have been more than 11 to 12 kilometers, ”said Giannis Vouros, a resident of the island. “In seconds we saw books coming out of libraries, mirrors breaking, glass breaking glass breaking a terrible situation … I saw a pulsating city, I saw smoke”.
“A few minutes ago we experienced a very large earthquake that Samos has been experiencing for many years. “People are in panic. They have gone out into the squares, into the streets,” the president of the Samos hospital workers said, among others, in statements to the main SKAI news bulletin.
As he mentioned, no injuries have arrived at the hospital, while he pointed out that the buildings must have been damaged.
“It was an earthquake that lasted for several minutes. “Very strong,” he said characteristically.
Source: skai.gr