Koronoios: allocation of 800 euros for artists and people of culture at the initiative of Mitsotaki – Newsbomb – News


The Prime Minister is taking the initiative for the Ministry of Culture, the co-responsible agencies and all those involved to formulate a comprehensive support plan for Culture and the artistic world.

In relation to the strengthening of the world of culture until today, the following is observed:

  • First, those of artists who had active contracts before taking the restrictive measures, of course, and are covered by the aid measures that have been taken. That is to say the granting of 800 euros, the measures to suspend their insurance and tax obligations, as well as the facilities in their bank obligations.
  • SecondlyThose who were unemployed or long-term unemployed and come from the art world also have the opportunity to join all the programs of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. For example, the 8,500 seat program for people ages 55-67, the program for 36,500 unemployed in municipalities and in NPDD with high qualification for long-term unemployed, as well as the programs that follow for approximately 100,000 unemployed.
  • Third, for people who were calculating to find a job in the coming months, we have ensured that the Budget of the Ministry of Culture € 15 million available to prepare specific actions to support the various branches of the artistic staff, from audiovisual material to topics related to animation, dance, theater. In all these activities, people affected by the artistic world will be able to find employment.
  • Room, for hourly wage earners, such as conservative musicians, actors, taxi drivers, artists, or other cultural providers, after consultation between the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor issued a relevant JMC so that they could also receive a special compensation of 800 euros.

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