Koronaios: lost battle with virus to 37-year-old assistant radiologist


He lost the battle to the 37-year-old assistant coronavirus radiologist at Naoussa Hospital, filling the local community with grief.

At the age of 37, she began working as a radiologist assistant at a Naoussa hospital as an auxiliary in March to combat the pandemic and was a victim herself.

The 37-year-old Edessa woman, according to a POEDIN ad, was hospitalized in Edessa when she fell ill. However, she did not like the treatment conditions in the hospital that has an ICU, of course, always full and intubated in the wards and asked to be transported to the hospital where she worked in Naoussa.

On the 27th of the month he was transferred and hospitalized.

Yesterday morning her health deteriorated and she was intubated. After the efforts, he was found in the ICU of the Agios Dimitrios Hospital in Thessaloniki, but could not be transported.

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