He defeated the coronavirus and returned home 42 days later


Stefanos Stefanou, 52, returned home victorious. He fought for 42 full days with the coronavirus in the intensive care unit of the “Sotiria” hospital.

And yesterday he returned with his wife and two children to fulfill his promise. Let me put the star on the Christmas tree

On November 8, Stefanos Stefanou was transported with severe symptoms of coronavirus by EKAB ambulance to the Sotiria Hospital. Alone and scared. Two days later he was intubated.

His guardian angel is Ilia, a nurse who took him by the hand in the hospital’s intensive care unit and told him that he would be victorious.

Stefanos Stefanou was the third patient of the doctors and nurses in the intensive care unit of the “Sotiria” hospital. After 42 days, healthy and sad, he returned home.

His wife was informed of the state of his health by the hospital staff every day at one in the afternoon.

Covid free now and 16 kilos slimmer, Mr. Stefanou thanks the staff of the “Sotiria” respiratory failure clinic who kept him alive.

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