Good news for the coronary: drug “cocktail” has worked for patients – News story


Good news is coming on coronavirus treatment, after scientists in Hong Kong say a drug “cocktail” showed positive effects in patients with mild to moderate disease, reducing the possibility of transmitting it.

The pharmaceutical combination consists of ribavirin used against it. hepatitis C, the lopinavir-ritonavir pair (Kaletra brand) developed for the virus HIV and interferon beta-1b used in multiplication sclerosis. Researchers from the University of Hong Kong, who published the study in the medical journal The Lancet, conducted a phase 2 multicentre randomized clinical trial. in 86 adult patients in six hospitals, while the control group consisted of 41 other patients who took only lopinavir and ritonavir, while Sotiris Tsiodras reported on the vaccines, which can stop the pandemic.

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“Our test shows that early treatment of mild to moderate Covid-19 with this triple combination of antiviral drugs can rapidly suppress the amount of virus in the patient’s body, alleviate symptoms and reduce the risk of transmission to health.” personal “, said the principal investigator, Professor Kwok-Jung Yuen.

The study shows that This particular “cocktail”, which was administered twice a day for two weeks, is also safe and well tolerated by patients.. The only side effects were diarrhea, fever, and nausea, and no patient died.

The researchers found that after the triple drug combination, patients no longer had, on average, seven days after starting treatment, a detectable SARS-CoV-2 virus in samples taken from the nose or pharynx. Her symptoms were completely relieved after an average of four days, and they were discharged on average after nine days. Patients who started treatment three times faster (within seven days of the onset of their first symptoms) performed better than those who received treatment later.

Comparatively patients in the control group taking lopinavir and ritonavir, had detectable levels of corona in their body for up to 12 days on average after starting treatment, their symptoms took twice as long (eight days) to disappear, and their treatment lasted much longer (on average 15 days).

Because no study patients had severe Covid-19, the triple regimen should now be specifically tested in critically ill patients.
