Golden Dawn Trial: The “Save the Savior” Tactic of Convicted Former MPs: What They Asked | HELLAS


Following a different tactic and not at all reminiscent of the images of absolute discipline and obedience to the wishes of Nikos Michaloliakos, the former Golden Dawn MPs tried to convince the court that despite being sentenced to many years in prison for joining and forming a criminal organization free.

Either in person or through the lawyers, the defendants in the “Leader’s Principle” in their last charge at the trial confirmed “the one who is saved to be saved.”


Elias Kasidiaris, George Germenis, Artemis Mattheopoulos and Panagiotis Iliopoulos came to court yesterday to support their request themselves, each with a different argument.

The former elect of Nikos Michaloliakos, Elias Kasidiaris, denounced the headquarters for making a decision with 20,000 violent protesters, as he described them, from abroad. Without saying a word about Golden Dawn, he insisted on his innocence and asked to be released.

“I want a second chance”

In a completely opposite direction, Panagiotis Iliopoulos pointed to emotion. He asked for a second chance, he said, because the harshest punishment for him was being in prison and watching his children grow up in prison. In fact, he even brought in a priest to testify about his new life.

George Germenis, who had become known for his paraphrased “getting up” to journalists, mentioned the difficulties he faces finding work as a baker, although he also has a degree in archeology. He asked to alternately wear a “bracelet” and serve his sentence at home, while his mother also testified in court, thanking the court in advance for its mercy.

Artemis Mattheopoulos, although present in court, had nothing to say at the headquarters, only through his lawyer said that “he is the only one who can offer food to his mother, who will be excessively injured.

From the security of Brussels, MEP Giannis Lagos sent a letter, informing that he does not want to submit a request for suspension of his sentence and that he will appeal to the European Court, because, as he has said, the Greek court acted in a discriminatory way against him.

Golden Dawn Quiz: What did the … absent Michaloliakos claim?

The once absent, the undisputed leader of Golden Dawn, Nikos Michaloliakos. He let his lawyer speak in court and said and said that “they are judging him because he raised his right hand, not because he did something else.” If they could bring him here, handcuff him, they would. They ask for the head in a painting by Michaloliakos. They are ruthless. “

“The only thing he knows is to make cheesecakes and peinirli, he has a shop and with it he raises his children”, was heard among other things as an argument to escape from the prison of φυ Efstathios Boukouras, while the defense of Chrysovalantis Alexopoulos He stated that he sells and buys feed in the retail trade, makes a living for his family from his work and knows nothing else. “

Golden Dawn test: Germenis-Gregos want a bracelet

In addition to Giorgos Germenis, Antonis Gregos also asked for an “bracelet” as an alternative, while the rest of the former deputies referred to the “excessive damage” they would suffer if they were finally taken to prison.

The prosecutor’s proposal for suspension requests is scheduled for Monday. The deuterologies of the defense will follow and then the crucial decision of the judges will follow on who will serve their sentence and who will be free to await the trial of the case in second instance.
